Facilitating Research and Learning Towards 6G Mobile Networks

Open6GNet IEEE Workshop – June 23-27, 2025 – BUDAPEST, Hungary

Open Source 6G Networks for Connecting the Unconnected

Open6GNet focuses on connecting the unconnected, as outlined in the IMT-2030 vision, by leveraging accessible, low-cost, open-source technologies and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware. The aim is to enable ecosystem players from academia and industry to create self-sovereign, customized end-to-end networks for diverse application domains. These networks will be based on a rapidly growing suite of open, modular 5G and 6G components and related toolkits

Open6GNet Workshop – May 14, 2025 – Berlin, Germany

Towards 6G: Open Source Mobile Networks Technologies – Demos and Showcases

The event aims to offer a place for academic and industry professionals to meet, discuss ideas and show demos or showcases of their products or services for mobile networks in the pursuit of 6G advancement. Using open source components is strongly recommended. The students are more than welcome to participate and get in touch with cutting-edge 5G technology and exploration of possible paths towards 6G.

Conference – April 17, 2024 – Berlin, Germany

Open Source Mobile Network Technologies

This event invites you to connect with the developers and technical leaders of various open source projects, hear about implementation challenges and how they were overcome. Furthermore, you can learn about experiences of using open source components on public or private mobile networks.


Engineering 6G with practical implementations

We continuously identify and integrate best of bread open source software toolkits and combine these with own developments in order provide researchers with a practical platform and related tools to perform research on the emerging 6G architectural functions, their practical splits and orchestrations within the edge – cloud continuum, and the related networking protocol stacks.

End-to-End 5G Standalone Solutions

Disagreggation of Mobile Networks leads to multiple deployment possibilities impacting the network. We investigate and test open-source solutions aiming the deployment of full Open-Source End-to-End Standalone 5G Solutions.

Dependable Backhauls

Backhaul for distributed core network with local 5G deployment and with core in the cloud. Limitations and optimization of backhauls over best effort networks like Internet. Researching on multipath solutions for virtual tunneling the backhaul over Internet.

Automatic Deployment and Optimization

Due to its distributed nature orchestration is key. We evaluate and build solutions for orchestrating Open-Source 5G solutions and RAN Intligent applications for monitoring and optimization RAN Quality of Service and Experience.


Spreading the Knowledge on 5G

Open6GNet Hands-On Lab

Open6GNet is all about sharing knowledge. In the context of the AV Chair course and modules, Open6GNet offers TUB students the opportunity to have Hands-On sessions with 5G real equipment and software. From configuring SIM cards to making phone calls, the students will be able to check how a 5G network operates and how the change and configuration of the various components can affect the performance and quality of the Network.



5G Evolution/6G Project

In this module already known topics from the module “5G/6G Software Networks” are applied in practice. With a view to the 5G evolution towards 6G and emerging technologies, selected topics in the context of 5G and 6G such as Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Software Defined Networks (SDN), Edge Computing, Network Slicing, Backhaul Communication, Data Exchange, Data-oriented Network Optimization, Intent-based Management, Zero Touch, Network Performance Management, Requirement-based Network Customization, Network Automation using ML/AI algorithms, 5G Campus Networks and Nomadic Private Networks are treated in detail.

5G/6G Software Networks Course

The module consists of one compulsory lecture that treats fundamental concepts, architectures, protocols, and interfaces of current 5G and future 6G networks. The main topics are: understanding of software networks (SDN, NFV, EC), 5G basic principles of the E2E architecture, components and protocols of the 5G core networks, automated network management by means of AI/ML, sustainable and energy efficient telecommunication systems, (private) campus networks and relevant industrial applications, evolution towards 6G.


Our goals

Accessible 5G/6G Research


We experiment and evaluate 5G Open Source tools bringing to students and new researchers important information on how to use and deploy 5G solutions.


Based on our experiments we advise what open-source components work well togheter and what are the spteps to integrate them by offering deployment blueprints.


Deployment must be straighforwad while not abdicating on security and performance, our orchestration solutions will help you deploy 5G networks.

Technische Universität Berlin


AV maintains a strong cooperation with the Fraunhofer FOKUS business unit Software-based Networks (NGNI), which is also directed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Magedanz. It this context this chair performs applied research and development activities in the field of converging service and network environments, looking for the migration from legacy telecommunication infrastructures towards integrated service environments. Namely, the current research areas is the 5th Generation Mobile Networks (5G), including Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV): lead by Dr. Marius Corici.

More information at the TUB AV Website

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