The conference is hosted at Technische Universität Berlin in the building “Eugene P. Wigner”, which is located between the underground stops S+U-Bahn Zoologischer Garten and U-Bahn Ernst Reuter Platz, closer to the later.
The address is:
Building: Eugene P. Wigner
Amphitheathre: EW.201
Hardenbergstr. 36
10623 Berlin
The building is part of Physikalische Institute, labeled EW and marked by the red circle spot on the map below. Its front side is mostly painted in green.The access in the amphitheatre is on the second floor, you can use the stairs as you get in via the main entrace of the building (where is the red circle spot). Elevators are also available nearby.
Hotel Novotel Am Tiergarten is located on the upper right corner of the map, where is the blue dot labeled Tiergarten.
Contact us if you need further details about the venue.